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Schoology Learning Release Notes: January 2022

New Features & Updates

LTI v1.3

  • We added support for the latest version of LTI 1.3 and LTI Advantage from IMS Global.
  • The updated integration includes exciting new features in LTI Advantage including:
    • Name & Role Provisioning Services
    • Deep Linking
    • Assignment and Grade Services
  • We have updated Schoology Developers to include LTI 1.3 documentation so that app developers have all the resources to build apps for use in Schoology.

QTI v2.2 import: Course Assessments

  • We added support for importing IMS Global QTI (IMS Question & Test Interoperability) specified content into Schoology Course Assessment, for QTI version 2.2.
  • QTI version 2.2 is a newer version of the IMS Global specification. The QTI Importer now supports both assessments and items in v2.2: items in an assessment, individual assessments, multiple assessments, and a combination of items and assessments, for use in Schoology course assessments.
  • The new QTI uploader also supports v2.1 content which offers more question types than the QTI v1.2 uploader.

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue with media albums that prevented students from commenting caused by a disabled course updates system-level permission.
  • We fixed an issue with Course Analytics that caused the members list to display up to 500 members only.
  • We fixed an issue with the Overdue area that prevented overdue discussions from being displayed.
  • We fixed an issue with the Android mobile app that prevented users from logging in via Google SSO.
  • We fixed an issue with the gradebook that caused gradebook columns to display the incorrect title when changing grading category or past grading period views.

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