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Simplified Login with QR Codes (Enterprise)

This QR Code Login offers a streamlined workflow for younger learners and any Schoology users who encounter difficulty typing or remembering their credentials. This feature is available for Enterprise organizations only.


For students, QR Codes can be used on Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Safari 10+.

For faculty, use Chrome for the best results when printing QR Codes on Avery Labels.

The QR Code Login workflow is a separate login system and does not work with single sign-on. Students will need to go to to scan their QR Codes. If you have linked your Schoology custom domain from a school website, we recommend that you add this link as another option for students who use QR Codes.

Students can use QR Codes to log in to Schoology on the web, iOS app, and Android app.

QR Codes can only be generated for users in non-faculty roles. We strongly recommend that you only generate QR Codes for students, and refrain from distributing a QR code to users in roles with access to sensitive data, such as Parents.

Enable QR Codes for a School or District

As a System Admin, you have the option to enable QR Code Login for non-faculty roles in specific buildings. This feature can be enabled from the Feature Options page.

You must configure specific roles and buildings to use QR Code Login. For example, you can enable QR Code Login for students in your elementary buildings without enabling it for high school students. To enable it for elementary students only, check the box for the Student role and then select your elementary buildings.

To enable QR Code Login for your organization:

  1. Click Tools.
  2. Select School Management from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click Feature Options in the navigation menu.
  4. Check the box to Enable QR Code Login.
  5. Under Select Roles, check the box for each role for whom you want to enable QR Codes. Only non-faculty roles are available to enable QR Code Login.
  6. Under Select Schools, check the box for each school for which you want to enable QR Code Code login.
  7. Review the configuration to ensure you have selected the correct roles and schools.

  8. Click Save Changes.

    Feature Options with descriptions of each element.

Manage and Print QR Codes at the System Level

System Admins can generate and print QR Codes from Manage Users. Once you have enabled QR Codes in Feature Options, navigate to User Management, and then Manage Users. A new column will appear on the far right of this page, titled QR Code.

The QR Code column displays Yes or No next to each user’s information. Users with Yes have the option to log in using a QR Code, due to their assigned role and building association.

Once you’ve printed the QR Code for the first time, the date and time will appear below the Yes to mark the last time the code was generated. The time displays in your local Schoology timezone as configured in your Personal Account Settings.

You can print QR Codes for one or more users from Manage Users. Check the box in the header to select all users on the page. QR Codes will only generate for users with Yes in the QR Code column.

Up to 12 QR codes can be printed per sheet. They are 2x2 inches each.

  1. Select the checkbox next to the student’s name.
  2. Click the Select Bulk Action menu.
  3. Select Print QR Code from the drop-down menu.
  4. Click Print. A new tab will open with the QR Code Login Tags.
  5. Print from the browser.

QR Codes are printed to match the Avery label template for 2” square labels. Use the Chrome browser when printing.

  1. On the Print screen within Chrome, verify that the Margin setting is set to None.
  2. Click Print.

Once you have printed a QR Code for any given user, you will see a timestamp in the QR Code column for that user. This timestamp will match the timestamp that displays on the printed QR Code. Both timestamps display in your local timezone.

Resetting QR Codes

Only System Administrators with access to Manage Users can reset QR Codes. If a student loses their QR Code, you can reset and print a new QR Code from Manage Users. For security purposes, we strongly advise that you reset the QR Code from Manage Users before printing out a new one.

To reset a QR code:

  1. Navigate to Manage Users.
  2. Select the checkbox next to the student’s name.
  3. Click the Select Bulk Action menu.
  4. Select Reset QR Code from the drop-down menu.
  5. Click Reset to confirm. A confirmation modal will appear to indicate the old QR Codes have been invalidated.
  6. Click Print. A new tab will open to print out the new QR Code. The timestamp in the QR Code column will update accordingly.

Print QR Codes from a Course

System Admins can enable the ability for faculty roles to print QR Codes on behalf of students directly from a course. This can be done from the Permissions page, in the Courses section. With the permission enabled, course admins can print QR Codes for the students in their sections whose role and building association permit them to log in using a QR Code.

You can print QR Codes for individual students or in bulk for the entire class.

  1. Navigate to the Members page of the course.
  2. Click the gear icon next to a student’s name.
  3. Select Print QR Code from the drop-down menu.
  4. A modal will appear to confirm the name of the student for whom you want to print the QR Code. Click Print.
  5. A new tab will open in the browser. Print from the browser.

To print a QR Code for an entire section:

  1. Navigate to the Members page of the course.
  2. Click Print all QR Codes Access Code.
  3. Click Print.
  4. A new tab will open in the browser. Print from the browser.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I do if a student misplaces their QR Code?

If a student loses their QR Code, for security purposes we strongly advise that you reset their QR Code from Manage Users before printing out a new one for them. Only System Admins can reset the QR Code for a student.

Do QR Codes expire?

No, QR Codes do not expire.

Any best practices for how to manage QR Code safety?

It’s important to remember that these are essentially passwords for Schoology. It’s preferred to print QR Codes on things that stay in the classroom and are not shared among students.

I reset a student's QR Code. Will they be logged out of Schoology on all devices?

No. Resetting a QR Code does not log the user out of any current sessions. To investigate issues where a student is logged in with another student's QR Code, we recommend leveraging the System Logs in School Analytics to locate the IP address of the device that is logged in.

All the QR Codes at my school have been compromised! What should I do?

If there is a larger issue with QR Codes in the school, you can reset all QR codes from Manage Users or even disable the option to log in with QR Code. However, this will not log out any users who have already logged in to a session.

My student drew all over their QR Code. Will it still work?

Yes! A QR Code marked up with a marker could still be scanned. If your goal is to inactivate the code, we strongly recommend you reset any QR Codes from Manage Users to prevent student data from being compromised.

Troubleshooting Tips

What happens if I use an invalid QR Code?

Students will see an error message, whether this occurs on the web version of Schoology, or the iOS or Android apps.

Why didn’t my QR Code work?

You can reset a QR Code that does not work. If you continue to encounter issues despite resetting and printing a new code, you can use the browser's developer tools (such as Chrome dev tools) and check the Console. Copy the unique hash for the QR code and send a ticket to our Support team.

Browser Developer tools console displaying the unique identifier for the QR code.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.