The Schoology Calendar is an important, organizational element for your connections, courses, and groups. It keeps events and due dates organized and easily accessible.
Click the calendar icon to access events and due dates by the month, week, or day.
Create Events
Events can be created in various areas of Schoology (e.g. home page, course profile, group profile). You can only create events in a course or group if you are the administrator for the course or group.
The quickest way to create an event is from Recent Activity on your home page.
Option 1 — Create an event from the home page

- Click Recent Activity on the home page.
- Click Event from the Post options.
- From the When option, select a start date and enter an optional start time.
- Click Add End Time to add an optional End Date and End Time.
- Enter a Title for the event.
- Enter an optional Description of the event.
- Attach a File, Link, Resource, or Audio/Video Recording.
- Select an RSVP option. You can set it to Disabled, Only invitees can RSVP, and Anyone can RSVP (public event).
- From the Options section, click the Comments icon to enable/disable comments.
- In the Post to... field, enter where you want to post the event to. You can enter a course, group school building, or your personal profile. Click the search icon to select the areas. You can post to as many areas as you want. Check the areas from the list and click Select.
- Click Create to complete.
Option 2 — Create an event from a course or group

- Navigate to the desired course or group profile.
- From the Upcoming panel, click Add Event.
- From the When option, select a start date and enter an optional start time.
- Click Add End Time to add an optional End Date and End Time.
- Enter a Title for the event.
- Enter an optional Description of the event.
- Attach a File, Link, Resource, or Audio/Video Recording.
Select an RSVP option. You can set it to Disabled, Only invitees can RSVP, and Anyone can RSVP (public event).
RSVP options:
- Disabled: Requires no RSVP. This event is accessible to you and/or members.
- Only Invitees Can RSVP: Event remains personal or allows for RSVP from connections or members.
- Anyone Can RSVP: Event becomes public (event profile is accessible to anyone. Only members of the course, group or school can RSVP).
- From the Options section, click the Comments icon to enable/disable comments.
Click the Copy icon to copy the event to your other courses. You can post to as many courses as you want by checking these courses from the list.
You can copy events to courses only. There is not a way to copy events to groups.
- Click Create to complete.
Recurring Events
Events that occur more than once can be created with the Repeat option.
To create a recurring event:
When creating or editing an event, select a recurring option from the Repeat drop-down menu:
The default recurring option for events is Never.
Never: The event is a one-time occurrence.
Daily: The event repeats daily.
Every weekday: The event repeats on the same weekday every week.
Weekly: The event repeats once a week on the same day of the week as the original event.
Monthly: The event repeats once a month on the same date as the original event.
Monthly on the selected weekday: The event repeats once a month on the same day of the week as the original event (e.g. the third Monday of each month). If the original event date is not available for a subsequent month, the event will appear on the closest day to the original day of the month (for example, if the recurrence is set monthly for August 31st, the next month's recurrence will be September 30th).Set a date to end the recurring event in the Until drop-down menu.
The maximum duration for recurring events is one calendar year. If you select an end date with a longer duration, the recurring event will automatically end after one calendar year.
- Fill in the remainder of the event details as you would a non-recurring event and click Save Changes to complete.
Edit an Event
There are two methods in order to modify an existing event. You can edit the title, description, time/date of your events, RSVP settings, add content, formatting, and more.
It is not possible to edit the Repeat field in a recurring event. If you wish to change the recurrence, delete the series and recreate the event with the desired recurrence.

Option 1 — Edit an event from the calendar
- Click the Calendar icon.
- Click the event.
- Click Edit Item.
- Edit the necessary info.
- Click Save Changes to complete.
Option 2 — Edit an event from the upcoming area
- Click the event.
- Click the gear icon and select Edit.
- Edit the necessary info.
- Click Save Changes to complete.
To edit a recurring event:
If you wish to edit a recurring event, there are three edit options available:
Just this event: Edit the individual event only.
This event and future events: Edit the individual event and subsequent events in the series.
All events in the series: Edit every event in the series, including past events.
Invite Guests
To invite people to your event, the event must have RSVP enabled (Only invitees can RSVP and Anyone can RSVP).
To invite people to an event:
- Click on the event from the calendar or upcoming area.
- Click +Invite Other Guests.
- Type a name in the search field or use the drop-down to select your school building(s) or Connections to access a full list of guests to invite.
- Select names from the search result.
- Click Invite Guests to send the invite.
RSVP options:
- Disabled: Requires no RSVP. This event is accessible to you and/or members.
- Only Invitees Can RSVP: Event remains personal or allows for RSVP from connections or members.
Anyone Can RSVP: Event becomes public (event profile is accessible to anyone. Only members of the course, group, or school can RSVP).
- If you create an event with RSVP from your personal calendar, you can invite people manually from the event profile. If you create an event with RSVP from a course or group calendar, then the course or group members are automatically invited.
- If you invite guests to an event that is part of a recurring event, the invite is applicable to the single event only, not the entire series of events.
Delete Events
Events can be deleted from any area in which they are accessible in Schoology (e.g. home page, course profile, group profile) by the person who created it, the course/group administrator, and the system administrator.
To delete an event, follow these steps:
From the calendar on the home page, course profile, group profile, or school profile:
- Select the calendar icon from the home page or the calendar icon in your course, group or school profile page.
- Click on the event you wish to delete.
- Click View Item.
- Click the gear icon.
- Select Delete from the drop-down.
- Click Delete to confirm.
From the Upcoming area of the home page, course, group or school profile:
- Click the event listed under the Upcoming area.
- Click the gear icon.
- Select Delete from the drop-down.
- Click Delete to confirm.

If you unpublish a course material with a due date, the item will no longer display in the calendar. Once you publish the item, it will display again in the calendar.
To delete a recurring event:
If you wish to delete a recurring event, there are two delete options available:
Delete this event: Delete the individual event only.
Delete all events: Delete the entire series of events.
Customize a Color-Code Calendar
Your personal calendar displays all personal, school, group, and course items by default. Each calendar item is color-coded depending on the affiliation to which it belongs (courses, groups, school, or personal).
- Click All Calendars.
- From the desired calendar click the block then select a color-code from the chart.

Filter the Calendar
By default, the personal calendar displays all school, course, and group calendars. You can use the same area used to color-code the calendar to filter the calendar to more specific displays.
- Click All Calendars.
- Check the box of the calendar you'd like to access.

Importing a Different Calendar into Schoology
You can import a calendar file from a different calendar tool - such as Outlook Calendar, Apple Calendar or Google Calendar - into your Schoology calendar.
Importing a third-party calendar into Schoology is a one-time event. After the import, changes you make in that third-party calendar will not update the events in Schoology. All changes will need to be made directly in the Schoology calendar.
Step 1 — Export the third-party calendar
To import a third-party calendar into Schoology, you will need to first generate an ICS file.
From your Outlook Calendar:
- In Outlook Calendar, select a calendar to make it the active calendar in the section.
- On the File menu, click Save As.
- Type a name for the iCal file in the File name text box.
A summary of the calendar name, date range, and detail level displays in the More Options section. If you are satisfied with the summary, proceed to step 6, otherwise continue with step 4. - Click More Options.
From the Date Range list, choose the amount of calendar data to include in Schoology, or click Specify dates to enter a custom date range
There is a limit of 1,000 events for the Schoology calendar. If you choose a large date range or select the whole calendar, your file may be too large.
- Click Ok and then click Save to save the ICS file.
From Apple Calendar:
- Open the Calendar App.
- Click the File menu.
- Select Export, then choose Export...
- Name your calendar file and click Export to save the ICS file.
From Google Calendar:
- Open Google Calendar. You can only export from a computer, not a phone or tablet.
- Click the Settings icon and Settings.
- Click Import & export.
- Click Export.
- Click Export to confirm. A ZIP file will be downloaded to your computer. If you open the ZIP file, you'll access individual ICS files for each of your calendars.
Step 2 — Import the file to a Schoology calendar
Once you've downloaded your ICS file using the steps above, log into your Schoology account and follow these steps to import the file to your Personal, Course/Group or School Calendar.
To add these events to your Personal calendar:

- Click the Calendar icon.
- At the bottom of the Schoology calendar, click Import.
- Click Attach File and locate the ICS file you exported to upload.
- Click Import.
You will now access the events from your external calendar appearing on your personal Schoology calendar.
To add these events to a Course or Group calendar:

- Select the course or group from your Courses or Group drop-down menu.
- Click the calendar icon in the Upcoming area section.
- From the calendar, click Import.
- Click Attach File and locate the ICS file you exported to upload.
- Click Import.
To add these events to a School calendar:

- Click your name and select the school from the drop-down list.
- From the school profile, click the calendar icon in the Upcoming area.
- At the bottom of the calendar, click Import.
- Click Attach File and locate the ICS file you exported to upload.
Click Import.
- You must have appropriate permissions in order to import calendars to a school.
- The maximum ICS file size is 100MB per file.
- The maximum amount of events that can be imported is 1,000.
You can also add your Schoology calendar to an external calendar so that changes you make in Schoology automatically update your other calendar.