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Clearing Enrollments with an Import

While importing course enrollments with a manual CSV import, or as part of your Auto-Import process, there are four clear enrollments options. These four options replaced the legacy options Clear enrollments not in file and Do not update admin enrollments with this import

These four options offer System Administrators more granular control over which enrollment records from an incoming import file should be deleted from sections. 

The four options are listed in the File Settings area of an enrollments import.

In each of these options, enrollments will clear depending on the marked source of specific enrollment records: either Manual or Not Manual. Schoology API can mark enrollment source as either manual or not manual. The default for API is to mark as Not Manual.

  • To prevent enrollments from clearing at the end of a grading period, be sure to remove past sections from your import file. These options will not clear enrollments from course sections not listed in the file.
  • Checking one of these 'clear enrollments' options only clears enrollments for the sections that have one or more enrollment entries in your import file. If you do not have any users enrolled in a section in the file, the import does not affect the enrollments for that section in Schoology. For example, to clear all students, without having new students enroll in your file, include only the admin in the import and check the options to clear student enrollments.
  • Any course members that are unenrolled by an import will remain in the Inactive tab of the course Members page.
  • Unenrolling members from a course will archive the grades and submissions associated with those members. However, all updates and comments on updates remain. Course administrators can retain a copy of grades and submissions by exporting the gradebook and downloading the submissions prior to unenrolling the course member. Additionally, if course members were already unenrolled, you may re-enroll those members to retrieve the grades and submissions.
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