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Assessment Reports: Evaluating Student Results by Item (AMP)

After creating and distributing Managed Assessments, educators can evaluate student results with Assessment reports:

  • Item-Level Results
  • Exporting Item-Level Results
  • Auto Export Managed Assessment Reports
  • Overall Results
  • Mastery Results

    Each report is available for inactive/archived courses and sections in addition to ones currently in session.

AMP Assessment Reports

To open and review reports for Schoology Managed Assessments, click AMP at the top of Schoology and select Assessment Reports in the drop-down menu. This brings you to a tiled list of your assessments in alphabetical order. You can also use the Search Assessments field to search for the name of a managed assessment.

Click an assessment’s title to open its Assessment Summary dashboard.

From the dashboard, you can review high-level item-based and student-based information about the assessment, and select from the different options to drill into those reports.

Results take 24 hours to populate in the Assessment Reports dashboard after the students make submissions.

Item Performance

The Item Performance chart displays the number of items in the assessment, and a circle graph shows your students’ performance based on their average score, color-coded in three bands:

  • High (Green): Greater than 75%
  • Medium (Yellow): Between 50-75%
  • Low (Red): Under 50%

    Any edits made to a question after students have attempted the assessment display as separate items in the report upon subsequent submissions. Therefore, the number of items displayed in the graph may be greater than the number of questions in the assessment.

The total number of students in each band displays in the report key.

Click the View Item Performance button to review a more granular breakdown of your students’ item performance on the assessment.

View Item Performance

Any edits made to a question after students have attempted the assessment display as separate items in the report upon subsequent submissions.

The View Item Performance table breaks down student performance for each item on the assessment. The table displays all items in the assessment, organized from lowest to highest average score, and includes three columns:

  • Level: The Level column displays the level of student performance, as described on the Item Performance chart.
  • Item: The Item column displays the item prompt. Click any prompt to open its Item Information report.
  • Average Score: The Average Score column displays the average score percentage of all students who took the assessment.

Item Details

Click any prompt in the View Item Performance table to open the Item Details section, which provides more information about the item and your students’ performance on it.

Information provided in the report includes:

  • Item Type: The question type
  • Total Points: Total points possible on the item
  • Item prompt: The stimulus of the question
  • Aligned Learning Objectives: The titles of any aligned learning objectives
  • Average Score: The average score displayed as a percentage. below the Average Score is the the indicator for where the item falls in the item performance scale:
    • High: Greater than 75%.
    • Medium: Between 50-75%.
    • Low: Under 50%.
  • Success Rate: The percentage of students who received full credit on the question.
    In this example, 35.1 percent of students received 10/10 on the question, while the remaining 64.9% received less than full credit.
  • Review the number of students represented in the report.
  • Item Discrimination: The ability of the item to effectively differentiate between students who do well on the overall test from those who don’t, based on the Point-Biserial Correlation calculation.
    The possible values for the Item Discrimination score are:
    • Good: 0.3 - 1.0.
    • Fair: 0.1 - 0.3.
    • Poor: -1 - 0.1.
  • Distribution of Answers: Possible answers are listed. Click each possible response for the full answer text. For multiple choice questions with distractor rationale provided for the response options, the full answer text also displays the text of the distractor rationale.
  • Student Responses: A list of all students represented in the report and their score on the item, organized alphabetically by last name.

Click the arrows in the banner to go to the previous or next question's report.

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