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Profile (Parents)

Your personal profile contains information about you and your activity on Schoology such as your interests, contact information, and child associations.

To access your profile:

  1. Click your name in the upper-right of the header in Schoology.
  2. Click Your Profile.

Schoology users that click on your name in Schoology will also be taken to your profile. System-wide privacy settings in your child's school may affect who can view your profile. Additionally, depending on the settings in place at the school, you may control who can view your profile by adjusting your Account Privacy Settings.

Depending on your settings at your child's school, some of these features may be different for your account. Please reach out to your designated Support Contact with any questions.

Profile Picture

To change your profile picture:

If the Edit Picture option does not appear when you hover over your picture, you may not be able to edit your profile picture based on settings in place at your child's school. Please reach out to your designated Support Contact with any questions.

  1. Hover over the profile picture and click Edit Picture.
  2. If you already have a photo in place, click Remove Picture to remove your current picture from view.
  3. Click Attach File.
  4. Choose a JPEG, PNG, or GIF file from your device. There is a 5 MB limit per photo file.
  5. If you'd like to use an avatar instead, choose an avatar below.


The Info tab provides other users with additional information about you.

Some information, such as the student account(s) with whom you are associated, may be included by default due to the settings in place at your child's school.

Click Edit in the upper-right corner of your profile to edit or add information.

You may not be able to edit your profile information based on settings in place at your child's school. Please reach out to your designated Support Contact with any questions.

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